A new study conducted by the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) examined a large array of CT scans of concussion and mild traumatic brain injury patients around the United States. The results showed a definitive link between mild head injuries and long-term problems associated with more moderate or severe head trauma.
Concussions are a common injury in many sports. If you or a loved one has received a sports injury because of the negligence of a third party, the San Francisco sports injury attorneys at Allegiance Law can gather the facts and help you receive the care and compensation you deserve.
The researchers at UCSF studied the CT scans of 1,935 patients. Their neurological exams showed signs of a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). An established link already exists between specific types of CT abnormalities and moderate and severe TBI, but this new study is the first time a connection has been established with mild concussions and the same long-term prognosis as severe head traumas.
The study was published in JAMA Neurology in July and states that the patterns of intracranial injury are not random. These predictive patterns of injury which often result in worsening outcomes can be seen commonly in multiple CT images.
Case data were gathered concerning patients who received treatment at hospitals with level 1 trauma centers. The choice to collect data from hospitals with trauma centers instead of patients seen in emergency departments meant more of the study participants had positive CT results.
Crucial data concerning enduring impairments and complete recovery from concussions can be gleaned from a patient’s CT scan. This data strongly suggests victims of concussions will need extensive follow-ups with their physicians.
“There is nothing mild about some concussions,” said senior author Geoffrey Manley, MD, Ph.D., professor and vice-chair of neurological surgery at UCSF and chief of neurosurgery at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital.
Manley suggests concussed patients may suffer from lingering impairments like:
He also believes concussion patients also run a higher risk of:
“We need to view concussion not as an event but as a disease requiring physician follow-up after a patient is discharged from the hospital,” Manley states.
Even if you voluntarily participate in organized sports, if you are injured while playing that sport, you may be entitled to claim compensation if you have been injured through the negligence of someone else.
Proving negligence can be a difficult task, but you do not need to worry, the experienced San Francisco sports injury attorneys at Allegiance Law will work on your behalf to find out exactly what happened and who is at fault.
If you or a loved one suffers from a sports injury that you believe makes you eligible for damages and compensation, contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 415-404-6395.
Posted in Sports Injury