Dog bites occur much more often than most people realize, and they can lead to severe injuries. At Allegiance Law, our team is standing by to help if you need a San Francisco dog bite attorney by your side. We know that these cases present significant challenges to victims, particularly when it comes to understanding how California’s dog bite laws apply. We will investigate your case and handle any negotiations with aggressive insurance carriers while we work to secure full compensation for your injuries and other losses.
Data reported from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that approximately 800,000 people have to seek medical treatment each year in this country due to severe dog bites. Dogs have powerful jaws that can inflict significant injuries on the human body, and it is not uncommon for our attorneys to help clients who have sustained the following:
Data suggest that more than 50% of all dog bite injuries occur to children. This can increase the likelihood that the victim will sustain significant emotional and psychological harm along with their physical injuries.
California is considered a “strict liability” state concerning dog bites. This means that a dog owner will be held liable for any injuries caused directly by the bite regardless of whether or not the dog has ever bitten anybody before or shown a propensity for aggression. This means that the injury victim does not need to show that the dog owner was negligent in some way in allowing the bite to occur. If a dog bite injury victim was in a public location or lawfully in a private location, and did not provoke the dog, then the dog’s owner is responsible for covering all bite-related expenses.
We do want to point out that this strict liability dog bite law does not apply to any other injuries caused by the dog. For example, if a dog knocks somebody over on a sidewalk and that person breaks their ankle, the owner is not strictly liable for these medical expenses. In these cases, the victim will have to prove that the dog owner was somehow negligent in allowing the injury to occur.
If you or somebody you care about has been bitten and injured by a dog in San Francisco or the surrounding areas, contact the team at Allegiance Law for help today. We pledge to conduct a complete investigation into your case so we can secure full compensation for your losses. This can include coverage of:
When you need a San Francisco dog bite attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 415-404-6395.